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Kathy McWilliam, E-RYT

More than twenty years ago, Kathy McWilliam experienced an instant connection when she attended her very first yoga class.  The unique practice of yoga, encompassing body, mind and soul, intrigued her and from that first calming breath in class, Kathy knew she had found what she was looking for. Being a runner and cyclist, she also realized the benefits of yoga; incorporating the practice as an effective method of cross-training; to strengthen and tone, as well as increasing flexibility to reduce the risk of injury.  She then began to deepen her own practice and decided to share her love of yoga with others.


Kathy has been continually motivated by her own teachers and through continuing education and workshops led by Jason Crandell, Rod Stryker, Natasha Rizopoulos, Rodney Yee, Colleen Saidman, Seane Corn, Todd Norian,  JP Tamblyn-Sabo, among others.  She has also had the priviliege of studying Yoga Philosophy and Meditation with Tony Murdock.  She is a Yoga Teacher registered with the worldwide Yoga Alliance.


Kathy's favourite pose is Adho Mukha Svanasana - Downward Facing Dog. Considered both an invigorating and restorative pose, Downdog provides a perfect blance of effort and ease.  It can be part of an energetic Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) or a place to rest, to bring serenity to mind and body.


Kathy teaches a variety of levels of Hatha and Vinyasa Flow, Restorative Warm Yin, Core Fusion, as well as private Therapeutic yoga for those recovering from injury or trauma.


She truly feels that each time we come onto our mat, we learn something new about the practice and about ourselves.




Kathy McWilliam

© 2014 Downdog Yoga Concepts                                                                                                                                                                         Yoga, St Catharines

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